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The Control Tower for Product R&D and
Lunch Box Products

Business Objective

The Control Tower for Product R&D and Lunch Box Products

BGF Foods is committed to enhancing the variety and quality of our products through continuous R&D and production of safe foods in hygienic conditions. We also strive to be a role model for partner companies by establishing an integrated management system for CVS food products and serving as a control tower for their operations.

Safe and Reliable Food

BGF Foods operates both a food manufacturing facility and distribution center to make fresh foods such as lunch boxes, rice balls, sushi rolls, sandwiches and hamburgers, and to store and distribute merchandise and other items, either at room temperature or refrigerated, making it the center of manufacturing and distribution in Gwangju, Jeolla-do, Daejeon and Chungcheong-do

BGF Foods, Co. Ltd.바로가기

Park Jongpil
282-21, Wanjusandan 2-ro, Bongdong-eup,
Wanju_Gun, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea
Food production and distribution
January 21, 2008